Any business can struggle with cashflow It is one thing to gain new contracts but if payment isn’t received promptly then the burden of wages, utilities and overheads can be crippling. An overdraft from the bank may assist in the short term but can be taken away should difficulties ensue.
This is where invoice finance is a possible solution. Invoice factoring releases the cash tied up in outstanding businesses invoices which are not due for payment for thirty or sixty days, maybe even longer. Not to mention late payments! Invoice factoring is a disclosed facility which means your customers will know about it and will be contacted by the finance provider to obtain payment.
Invoice Factoring is a disclosed facility which incorporates credit control, debt collection and funding. Your business customer will be made aware that an invoice factor is involved. You may not wish your customers to know this, but for smaller businesses that do not have the resources to constantly keep on top of outstanding invoices it may be the best solution. There are certain large businesses that preclude invoice factoring in their contract. It is also possible to include bad debt protection within invoice factoring.
There are specific types of finance available for import and export businesses.
With our whole of market position, from High Street Clearing Banks through to the specialist lenders, we can put together the package that is right for your business. By following our proven procedure, we will be able to provide you with a comparison of the best rates and terms so you can make an informed decision that best matches your business finance needs.

Because we are independent, using BlueStorm to negotiate your finance requirements with the whole of the market not only might we save you money but also time. Leaving you to do what you do best… your business.
Our Challenge to you;
If you already have invoice finance in place but are unhappy with either the service you are getting or the cost of the facility then let us undertake a review. The result will either be improved terms or satisfaction in knowing that you already have the most appropriate facility.
If you would like to have an initial discussion about your requirements just click here.