If your business has an immediate or infrequent working capital requirement then selective, or spot finance may be the solution.
By unlocking a particular debtor or group of debtors your business can access the cashflow required when it is needed without the need to enter into a traditional invoice finance facility. Selective or spot finance can provide the working capital your business needs.
With our whole of market position, from High Street Clearing Banks through to the specialist lenders, we can put together the package that is right for your business. By following our proven procedure, we will be able to provide you with a comparison of the best rates and terms so you can make an informed decision that best matches your business finance needs.
Because we are independent, using BlueStorm to negotiate your finance requirements with the whole of the market not only might we save you money but also time. Leaving you to do what you do best…..run your business.
If you would like to have an initial discussion about your requirements just click here.